Welcome to Medical Supply HQ™
Because we care.
“I started in medical supplies in 1999 and I bring that experience to you. With friendly and caring service, Medical Supply HQ™ is an online shop with folks who will take the time with you to listen and understand your situation so they can help you select the best products. Everyone has a story and we want to hear yours.“
Daniel Stratton
About Us (Our Story)
The birth of the caring company:
Medical Supply HQ™
Anxious. That's what I've been almost all my life: anxious to have my own business.
But I have to be honest with you: when I started in manufacturing in the 80's, and specifically medical devices in the late 90's it was all about the money. All I could think about was making lots of it.
But as I grew older, I went through major transformations which began when my mother passed away in 2005.
She was incredibly happy, caring, and personable to everyone. She was the best mother, wife, and friend to many. Everyone in our community knew her and loved her.
You may know people like my mother or you may not. Her kind is very rare. She was the type that cared about you and your life. She wanted to know that you were okay. She wanted to know your story and how she could help you in anyway possible. If you hurt, she hurt. That was my Mom.
Personal Transformation
Her death hit me hard. Almost immediately it changed me. After she died I started caring about others. I began listening to friends and coworkers more intently. When someone said their family member was injured or sick, in the hospital, or in the nursing home, I stopped whatever I was doing. I turned all my focus on them. I wanted to know exactly what was wrong. I had to have every detail so I could understand their hurt. And I would feel deeply for them. That was the beginning of my personal transformation.
Professional Transformation
Mom's death also led to my transformation at work. As an executive for a medical device manufacturer, I was a hard-ass. I made employees follow our policies and if they got out of line, I got them back into line. I was all about efficiency and getting things done. It was all about work. Period. I was not a very nice boss and it's embarrassing to admit it.
But when Mom died, I started having feelings for my employees. I began to give them grace and mercy. I began to really care about them. So much so, that every morning I would go to each of our 110 employees and find out what was happening in their lives. It took a big chunk out of my day, but it immediately became the best part of my day.
The Birth of the Caring Company
Then it hit me: I could have a direct impact helping others and caring about them by starting my own company. A company that had my mother's values. A company that is an extension of my own personal and professional transformation. A company that offers high quality products. A company that doesn’t cheat its customers but values them. A company that listens. One that loves its employees. And a company that sincerely cares about it's customers.
That's when I started Medical Supply HQ.
And that's when I was no longer anxious.
Thanks for reading. Stay safe, stay well, laugh lots, and love lots.
Take care,

Hearing Aids
Can’t hear conversations, family, and friends having to yell, acting like you heard but you didn’t. It’s time to get a hearing aid.
Whether you have moderate hearing loss or severe hearing loss, the hearing aids we stock right here in FL will help you.
Hate batteries? Want rechargeable hearing aids? No problem. Need waterproof, moisture proof, or sweatproof hearing aids? Got you covered. Need mini and almost invisible hearing aids? We got it. And with a 45-day return policy, there is no reason to not try one of these hearing aids and start hearing again.