How To Prevent Hearing Loss: Essential Tips

by Dr. Beverly R. Johannsen

Normal hearing enables you to perform your day to day activities without interference. Hearing loss can lead to deterioration in activities of daily living. You need to know how to prevent hearing loss to live your life without disruption.

How is sound measured?

Loudness refers to how loud or soft a sound appears to you. The intensity, or amount of energy, in sound waves determines the loudness of sound. The unit of intensity is the decibel (dB).

The potential for a sound to damage your hearing is proportional to its intensity, not its loudness. The intensity of sound ranges from 0 dB, which is the faintest sound detected by the human ear, to the noise of a rocket during launch, which can exceed 180dB. Exposure to greater than 85dB can pose a serious risk to your hearing, which implies that noise sources such as motorcycles, headphones, and lawnmowers have the ability to lead to permanent hearing loss. Knowledge of the intensity of the sound will help you to understand how to prevent hearing loss induced by noise. Noise-induced hearing loss is the leading cause of hearing loss in the general population after aging.

How To Prevent Hearing Loss At Home And Public Places 

You can prevent hearing loss at home and public places by paying attention to the following tips:                                                                                                      

Stay Away From Loud Noise

Staying away from loud noise as much as possible is the best method to prevent hearing loss. Usually, you can damage your hearing in case:                                 

  • The noise causes discomfort to your ears.                                              
  • You are not able to hear the conversation of nearby people.                         
  • You have to increase your voice sound or shout for conversation.
  • You have buzzing or hissing sounds in your ears after the exposure

Protect Yourself While Listening To Loud Music

Listening to loud music through earphones and headphones presents a high risk of hearing loss. To prevent hearing loss:

  • The volume should be turned up to the extent that you can hear without discomfort.
  • Breaks must be taken for a minimum of 5 minutes every hour, headphones must not be used for greater than one hour.                         
  • You should not listen to music at greater than 60% of the maximum volume. Some devices have settings you can use to lower the volume automatically.

Restrict Loud Sounds In Your Life

You should limit your exposure to loud noises to prevent hearing loss.                   

  • Try to purchase low noise appliances and devices with low noise ratings.
  • In case, the sound is too loud in the movie theater, restaurant, or any other place of entertainment, then ask the staff to lower the volume.

Protect Your Hearing During Loud Activities And Events

You should prevent hearing loss during public events such as concerts, sports events, clubs, etc by taking the following precautions:

  • Do not be too close to sources of loud noises such as loudspeakers.
  • After every 15 minutes, consider taking a break from the noise.                    
  • Carefully consider signs and information flyers indicating caution to likely loud noise and the use of hearing protection.
  • Recovery time of about a day must be given for recovery after exposure to loud noise.

Get Hearing Assessment Done

You should get your hearing checked in case:

  • You have family members with hearing loss.                                                 
  • You have frequent exposure to loud noises.                                                  
  • You have difficulty hearing conversations.                                                     
  • You have ringing in your ear.

How To Prevent Hearing Loss At Work

Your employer has the responsibility to ensure a safe working environment and make alterations to decrease your exposure to loud noise. The essentials points to be considered are:

  • Noisy equipment must be replaced by quieter equipment if possible.          
  • It must be ensured that you are exposed to loud noises for a limited period of time and not exposed to loud noises for long periods.
  • Hearing protection such as earmuffs or earplugs must be provided.
  • Regular hearing assessments of the employees must be arranged by the employer.
  • In case, you are exposed to loud noises through your work then you must contact your human resources department.

How To Prevent Hearing Loss In Pregnancy And Children

The same preventative measures to prevent hearing loss as above for home and public events must be followed during pregnancy. Besides, the source emitting sound vibrations must not be touched.

The same preventative measures as above must be used for children and infants. Also, children must be kept away from high noise levels, such as from very loud toys.


How To Prevent Hearing Loss Using Hearing Protection Devices

Choosing to stay away from noisy activities is the best method to prevent hearing loss. Hearing protection devices must be used to decrease the level of sound entering your ear and do not block sound fully.

Look For Noise Reduction Rating

Different hearing protection devices have various noise reduction ratings. The noise reduction rating, measured in decibels, is generally labeled on the device container as “NRR”, pointing to the extent of potential protection given by the device. It also enables you to understand how to prevent hearing loss. The ratings of common hearing protection devices vary from 0 dB to 35 dB.  Hearing protection devices must be comfortable and easy to use on a long-term basis.

Choose The  Right Type Of Hearing Protection

You will select the hearing protection device according to your personal choice and comfort level. It must be worn accurately and continuously for the desired outcome. The frequently used types of hearing protection devices consist of earplugs, earmuffs, and specially made devices.

Protection from hearing loss is of paramount importance for your wellbeing. We are pleased to help you in your search for hearing protection devices which will best fit your lifestyle.

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